Monday, February 16, 2009

Never write anything down that you wouldn't want to read in public.

Despite the cringe-worthiness of all the well thought out MySpace Bulletins and Facebook posts that I read, I've decided to blog. It is a self-serving and narcissistic exercise that I hope will document the recurring themes in my daily life and help me gain some perspective. 

And the term 'free dog'? Several years ago, our well trained (or well intentioned training) German Shepherd trotted off from us on a walk and absentmindedly, I uttered "There he goes again, free doggin' it." He was off on his own, pretending not to hear us calling out 'come' and 'with me', sniffing the road, peeing on bushes, just doing his own thing. 

This is my 'free dogging' space. A place where I can let go of what normally rolls around in my head for hours at bedtime. 

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