Saturday, June 6, 2009

Emotional Baker Goes Back to Weight Watchers

I am reading Such A Pretty Fat, by Jen Lancaster, on the advice of this hysterical lady and came across the term 'Emotional Baker' (a roommate who bakes up a frenzy as described by a leather clad biker attending a Weight Watchers mtg). 

This is TOTALLY me! I always knew I wasn't an emotional eater, but push me too far and I'll whip up a batch of cookies in 30 min. It's not enough for me to spoon dough straight from the pink melamine bowl, I have to bake 40 peanut butter chocolate chip cookies to poison the rest of the household too. There's just something satisfying about knowing you're not the only one who's going to down an extra 100 calories a day for the next week with 3 dozen cookies laying around.

I polished off the last cookie a few days ago and then hopped on the scale. I'm still down from where I was before I got pregnant and still maintaining from where I was last summer, but, I'm up 5 from where I was before I put on a bikini and went to Kauai in March. Planned out the WW menu for the next week online last night. Poor D, married to a bi-polar chef in the kitchen. One week it's cookies, the next it's grilled chicken.

1 comment:

  1. Poor D, married to a bi-polar chef in the kitchen. One week it's cookies, the next it's grilled chicken.

    Same thing here. I went back to WW after reading the Jen Lancaster book. So far I'm up three pounds. Works like a charm!
